This comedic web series (pilot) was written by Corey Schmitt and Brad Bergeron. It was directed by Dan Nicholls. The story follows two best friends as they are reunited under impossible circumstances and journey through a world where bears rule and humans drool. Côté spearheaded post-production; recruiting and managing the Score, VFX, and Sound Mixing departments.
GIRAFFE (2021)
Written by Corey Schmitt and directed by Dan Nicholls, GIRAFFE is a story about a depressed young zookeeper aching over the end of his long-term relationship. This film was accepted into 14 film festivals and won 17 awards, including Best Canadian Film from the Canadian Cinematography Awards in November 2021. Côté led post-production by recruiting and managing the Score, VFX and Sound Mixing departments.
Close To You (2019)
This short film was a thriller written by Mike Doaga, filmed by J Galen Wilson, and directed by Steven Schwartz. The story follows Sarah, a young woman adjusting to life on house arrest. The police are monitoring her, but that doesn't mean she's safe at home. The film was a semi-finalist in Vancouver's Run N Gun 48-hour film competition.
A Cursed Desire (2017)
This short horror film was written & directed by Michael C. Silva. It's a spooky tale about a young woman who tragically loses the love of her life (Kris McRonney) and attempts to bring him back using dark magic (Ioan Sebastian Tirlui). The film was an official selection for 3 short film festivals.